Academic Experience
Publications and Conference Proceedings
Thesis at Victoria University of Wellington - Te Herenga Waka,
Citation: Leong, W. J. (2021). The subglacial landscape and hydrology of Antarctica mapped from space [PhD thesis, Victoria University of Wellington | Te Herenga Waka].
The subglacial landscape and hydrology of Antarctica mapped from space
DeepBedMap: A deep neural network for resolving the bed topography of Antarctica
Presentation at AGU Fall Meeting,
Citation: Leong, W. J., Mahesh, R. B., Prapas, I., Boehm, V., Ramos-Pollan, R., Nemni, E., Kalaitzis, F., & Ganju, S. (2022, December 16). DeepSlide: Self-supervised learning on SAR data for change detection. AGU 2022 Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL & Online Everywhere.
Links: Abstract, Doi, Slides, Gitlab
Presentation at Machine Learning for Polar Regions Workshop,
Citation: Leong, W. J., & Horgan, H. J. (2022, June 17). DeepBedMap: A Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Network for resolving the subglacial topography of Antarctica. Machine Learning for Polar Regions Workshop, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, virtual.
Links: Abstract, Youtube, Slides, Github
Presentation at OSU EARTHSC 8898 Seminar,
Citation: Leong, W. J. (2022, April 08). Teaching machines about our planet: Viewing, Learning, Imagining. OSU EARTHSC 8898 Seminar, virtual.
Links: Abstract, Slides, Github
Presentation at CEDSG Seminar Series,
Citation: Leong, W. J., & Horgan, H. J. (2020, October 20). DeepBedMap: A Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Network for resolving the bed topography of Antarctica. CEDSG Seminar Series, virtual.
Presentation at IGS Five Decades of Radioglaciology Symposium,
Citation: Leong, W. J., & Horgan, H. J. (2019, July 10). DeepBedMap: A super-resolution deep neural network for resolving the bed topography of Antarctica. IGS Five Decades of Radioglaciology Symposium, Stanford, California, United States.
DeepSlide: Self-supervised learning on SAR data for change detection
DeepBedMap: A Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Network for resolving the subglacial topography of Antarctica
Teaching machines about our planet: Viewing, Learning, Imagining
DeepBedMap: A Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Network for resolving the bed topography of Antarctica
DeepBedMap: A super-resolution deep neural network for resolving the bed topography of Antarctica
Poster at AGU Fall Meeting,
Citation: Leong, W. J., Yadav, B., Negrete, A., Howat, I., & Moortgat, J. (2022, December 13). H2OvalNet: Detecting Fairy Circles from Sentinel-2 imagery in Australia. AGU 2022 Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL & Online Everywhere.
Links: Abstract, Poster, Github
Poster at AGU Fall Meeting,
Citation: Scheick, J., Bisson, K., Li, T., Leong, W. J., & Arendt, A. A. (2021, December 17). Collaborative Computational Resource Development around ICESat-2 Data: the icepyx Community and Library. AGU 2021 Fall Meeting, virtual.
Links: Abstract, Poster, Github
E-lightning at AGU Fall Meeting,
Citation: Jones, M., Grund, M., Schlitzer, W., Leong, W. J., Tian, D., Yao, J. & Uieda, L. (2021, December 17). PyGMT: An open-source Python library for geospatial processing, analysis, and visualization. AGU 2021 Fall Meeting, virtual.
Links: Abstract, Poster, Youtube, Github
Poster at AGU Fall Meeting,
Citation: Leong, W. J., & Horgan, H. J. (2021, December 14). Spatiotemporal variability of active subglacial lakes in Antarctica from 2018-2021 using ICESat-2 laser altimetry. AGU 2021 Fall Meeting, virtual.
Links: Abstract, Poster, Github
Poster at New Zealand Antarctic Science Conference,
Citation: Leong, W. J., & Horgan, H. J. (2021, February 10). Spatiotemporal variability of active subglacial lakes in Antarctica from 2018-2020 using ICESat-2 laser altimetry. New Zealand Antarctic Science Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Links: Abstract, Poster, Github
Poster at SCAR 2020,
Citation: Leong, W. J., & Horgan, H. J. (2020, October 6). DeepBedMap: Resolving the bed topography of Antarctica with a deep neural network. SCAR 2020, virtual.
Links: Abstract, Poster, Github
Poster at EGU General Assembly,
Citation: Leong, W. J., & Horgan, H. J. (2019, April 9). DeepBedMap: Using a deep neural network to better resolve the bed topography of Antarctica. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Links: Abstract, Poster, Github